
A first sit is a reassessment opportunity that you take as if for the first time. First sits can only be granted because of an Extenuating Circumstances (EC) claim (see FAQ ‘What is a first sit?’ for more information). 
Where first sits are granted, the original attempt will not be marked, or the mark will be voided. 

A resit is a reassessment opportunity given to students who have failed an assessment/module. It enables the student to re-take the affected assessment, however there are conditions to this: 

  • For Undergraduate degree, any mark obtained in a resit: 
  • Will show on your final degree transcript (as a second attempt). 
  • Will be used in calculations for progression purposes. 
  • Will not be included in your final degree calculations. 


The rules are slightly different for Postgraduate Taught degrees: 

  • Will show on your final degree transcript (as a second attempt). 
  • Will be used in final degree calculations of a Pass only
  • Will not be included in the final degree calculations for Merit or Distinction. 



Claire is an Undergraduate student who took LIFE2001 in her 2nd year and obtained an overall mark of 36. She was not able to progress to Year 3 as a result. 


She was offered a resit for the affected piece of assessment (Exam) in the August reassessment period and achieved a mark of 55 for the module as a result which meant she’d passed the module.


Having passed this resit (and the module), Claire was now able to progress into her final year. 


The mark from this module that will be included in Claire’s final degree calculations will be 36 as the resit mark is used for progression purposes only. 


Her resit mark of 55 will be shown on her final degree transcript against the module, but as a second attempt mark