
There will be times when you need to raise a claim for an assessment that isn’t represented by the usual module codes.

You may have had to leave the Assessments Affected section blank in the past because of this lack of options.

In order to try and rectify this issue, we have tried to identify some of the more regularly used assessment types and added them to the Affected Assessment look up for you to use as and when required.

See below for the list.

If there are any other types/formats of assessment that aren't represented on this list (and cannot be identified by a usual module code) then do feedback to your local assessments team by raising an enquiry in the Student Enquiry Portal and our team will be happy to add what you need to the lookup.

Module codeModule title
ARM LitARM Literature review
FFP-EXAMSFoundations for Practice assessments
LABATTENDLab Attendance
LAB-REPTLab Report
NONMEDPRNon-Medical prescribing
OSCEEXAMAssessments related to OSCEs
PGRANREVPGR Annual Review Extension
PGRS5003PG Thesis (0)
PLACEMENAssessments relating to placement
REPEATYRRepeat the whole year (no need to list all modules)
REPEATSMRepeat semester (no need to list all modules)


To use any of the above options, simply type the first three letters of the 'Module Code' into the 'Assessments Affected' lookup on your form followed by the magnifying glass.